Decorating your home - the sustainable way! - La-Ra's - The Artisan Store

Decorating your home - the sustainable way!

Planet Earth needs a little help! Humans have been in a cycle of giving and taking from this earth for a long time. As we continue to take more than we give, our home is starting to show the effects of the damage. To combat this, sustainability has become an important topic of discussion. It's not just a far-fetched idea anymore!
This post aims to get you started with some simple decorating tips that will enhance your space and life while also being kind to the environment.
La-ra's artisanal candles sitting in a beautiful interior
Take Your Time
In today's society, time is the most precious thing we have. It's the time to spend with loved ones, work, and live our lives. We spend so much time running from one activity to another, trying to finish our never-ending list of things to do. We rush from one place to another, pretending that it isn't important, but when you stop for a minute, you will realize how important each moment is! Because of this, I suggest taking your time before you decide on something or purchase something.
Be Inspired by Trends but Not Led by Them
One of the most important sustainability points is to look within and find inspiration. If we hunt for trends, looking at too many blogs or magazines, we can easily be swayed by what everyone else is doing. We really should focus on doing our own thing and think for ourselves. It also leads us to think about what is good for the environment because we will be buying things from other people.
Think Beyond Aesthetics
The look of your home decor is crucial to its sustainability. While the aesthetic of your home will help you feel comfortable, it must also have a purpose within the home. Many decorating people are buying items to match their home decor, or they aren't thinking that deeply about sustainable design and handcrafted items.
Invest in Long-Lasting Design
One way to make your home sustainable is to invest in handcrafted items meant to last. For example, if you are a person who likes candles or incense, I suggest you buy something like an electric candle warmer. While paper and wax burners may be affordable and pretty, they will eventually need to be thrown away because of all the toxins they produce.
As you can see, simple changes to your home such as these can greatly impact the environment and your personal life. Start simple with just one change each day, and before you know it, you will be a sustainable decorator!
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